
  • Low visibility over work in progress
  • Lack of project and task organization
  • Inconsistent routines and work management practices
  • Ad-hoc project & task planning


  • Assess gaps in process, roles, & efficiencies
  • Improve visibility over work in progress, upcoming priorities, and projects
  • Improve project management process and skills
  • Install predictable weekly cadence
  • Install streamlined workflows using Asana
  • Install, train, & reinforce more sustainable work management practices

  • Begin with a primer on Agile operating principles and fundamentals
  • Design & reconfigure the company’s Asana workflows around an Agile approach
  • Set-up the development priority backlog, sprint board, and custom Asana feature-sets
  • Implement a new set of routines and conventions for setting up & defining new projects, tasks, and sub-tasks using Asana
  • Install and train on project and task refinement, backlog grooming, board management
  • Install and train on weekly meeting cadence, project planning and task management processes

“You exceeded our expectations. We were thinking you would teach us how to optimize Asana. We were surprised when you taught us both how to maximize Asana and also how to run an Agile project and task management process. Combining Asana with Agile was the real magic for us.

– Jason Lauro Co-founder, 9th Platform


  • Improved transparency and tracking over work in progress (100% improvement)
  • Consistent weekly cadence and 10-12 fewer ad-hoc meetings each week
  • Improved expectations and accountability (100% improvement)
  • Improved project and task prioritization and planning
  • Faster, more streamlined workflows and fewer silos (65% improvement)
  • Improved team cohesion and health

“With our sprint-board clearly visible to the entire team, everyone knows what everyone else is doing. We were able to come back from the holidays without missing a beat. We picked up right where we left off without the usual post-holiday reboot.”
– Tyler Silva Co-founder, 9th Platform